About Project

Gender Balance

Gender balance / gender dimension in the research content

The ScolioSIM project will involve both female and male subjects. However, AIS is slightly more prevalent in the female population than for males (2–3:1 female to male ratio for curves ≥10°, 4–5:1 for curves ≥20°, and 8–10:1 for curves ≥40°), and the resulting technology will therefore be of primary benefit to young females (specifically the reduction in radiative imaging to the body core and reproductive organs during growth).

Gender balance / gender dimension in the research team

ETH is committed to a comprehensive policy of equal opportunities and treatment for all employees, students and guest researchers regardless of gender and nationality, according to the Gender Action Plan (2014) and ETH Gender Strategy (2017-2020). PI will follow this practice and recommendations and participate in any training on this issue organized for ETH staff.





Swiss Swiss Federal Institute of Technology – ETH Zurich

Institute for Biomechanics – IfB

Leopold-Ruzicka-Weg, 8049 Zürich, Switzerland
